I am a new rat owner, so my ratties (Olive and Trixie) and I are still getting used to each other. I love them so much though! They are hilarious.
Today I layed a blanket over my kitchen table for the ratties to play on (my apartment is tiny and not easy to rat proof, so I have been looking for creative ways to give them out-of-cage time). I thought there would be no way for them to get down from the table, so that would be a safe place to play. It was a good thing I was working in the kitchen though, because pretty soon Olive jumped off the table onto a chair that was like five feet away. I laughed, put her back on the table, and moved the chair. That wasn't good enough.
About two minutes later, she took a flying leap right at my trash can (it has a lid) that was more like six feet away. Unfortunately for her, the lid swings open, so she landed and thought she was safe for about a split second before the lid swung in and she fell right into the trash. Thank goodness I had just thrown away a plastic bag and she landed on that instead of the spaghetti that was under it!
Now I will have to find a new place to play since they are dare-devils as well as being super smart and agile. They have already helped me rule out the bathroom (they can squeeze under the door), bathtub (they can somehow climb out), closet (under the door again), and now the kitchen table!

thank you linzee


My black and white fancy hooded rat had a thing for fries. I went to wendys and i had my bag open, when i got home, i got up to wash my hands and noticed half of my fries were gone when i got back. so i got my video recorder and recorded her taking all my fries to a little corner and ate quite a few. it was cute!!

thanks pinkgli


There are so many funny stories. The one that comes to mind though is when my baby Meatball chased my 18 pound cat out of the room. Smokey came to see what I was holding, and I was sitting in the floor. Next thing I know, Meatball was "chirping" for lack of a better word and standing on his back legs, slapping with his front. He jumped out of my lap and did that to Smokey all the way out the door until I went and grabbed him away. Smokey's tail was poofed up, and so was the hair on his back. It was hilarious.
thanks lilchris_28
One of my favourite stories is when I had changed the top level on the rats cage to the other corner, oposite to where it had been before. Everything went fine, but the next days I was laughing my socks of because Arthur turned to run away with some food and hit his head against the side of the cage because he'd forgotten it was changed around and he just stood there stunned and confused, I felt so sorry for him, but it was soo hilarious!
thanks laydeerodents
I have two their both Boris stories, may he R.I.P.

First, he was really sick and had to have antibiotic every day, and he really hated it. I always kept the syringe sitting across the bars on top of his cage. One day he thought he was very clever and pulled it into the cage, chewed it to bits and hid it under his igloo. When I finally found it in bits, he looks so pleased with himself. Then his whole face dropped when I came back in with a new one, he really thought he had found a solution.

Second, when we got figaro and put him in with Boris, Boris would slowly quietly stalk him from behind like a cat, then pounce him and tickle his belly mercilessly until poor figgy finally screamed. We'd see him do it 3 or 4 times a day. It was hilarious.
thanks luvboyrats
So funny storiess !
Well mine was when my babies where smaller and i was rolling about the ground with them and the next thing one was missing!!
I called novo everywhere and i was really panic'ing then a sat down and looked everywhere novo was in the hood of my hoodie eating a carrot  i couldnt even feel him in there !!
thank you clairebee1
hi wassup
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